相信很多人都使用过<input type="file"/>这样的HTML控件,它看起来非常普通,是我们在做Web应用程序中用于上传客户端本地文件时不可缺少的控件,然而最近我发现这个控件在最新的FireFox浏览器(或者最新的IE8中也会存在这个问题,我没有尝试过,读者可以试一下)中却失去了效果,导致我们在通过这个控件的value属性得到的值中只包含了文件名而没有文件路径,这个在IE7中是可以正常获取到全文件名的(即文件完整路径+文件名)。IE7和大部分当前流行的浏览器(如FireFox2版本)都可以获取到文件的路径,但是FireFox3却不行,我查了很多资料,发现这是FireFox3为了弥补在低版本中可能会引起安全问题的一个漏洞,据说黑客会通过FireFox的这一安全隐患向服务器上传文件!其实我也搞不懂,不就是本地文件的路径么?怎么会影响到服务器的安全问题呢?看来高手们还真的很强!!
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" > < html xmlns ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > < head > < title > Untitled Page </ title > </ head > < body > < input id ="File1" type ="file" />< input id ="btAdd" type ="button" value ="Add" onclick ="alert(document.getElementById('File1').value);" /> </ body > </ html > 运行后在IE7中的结果:
那么我如何才能在FireFox3中取得本地文件的路径呢?就像上面我在IE7中得到的那个值一样!暂且撇开这个问题,先说说在FireFox3中如何上传一个文件吧。既然FireFox3中将获取本地文件的路径的方法当做一个安全隐患被禁止了,那么它一定有相关的方法来解决这个问题,否则FireFox3就不能实现在客户端上传文件的功能了,就像前两天我的一个同事说的一样,要真是这样,FireFox就废了!其实FireFox3中引入了一个新的接口用来解决这个问题,那就是nsIDOMFile,它专门被用来从客户端的input type="file"的控件中获取文件数据,这样就可以将本地的文件保存到服务器上。这是一个非常好的解决办法,以至于我们在FireFox3中开发这样的应用程序时比先前简单获取value值然后再通过服务器端代码上传文件要简单许多,不过令人担忧的是,这个接口只适用于FireFox,在IE和其它的浏览器中并不支持。一会儿再说如何解决浏览器的兼容性问题,先看一下在FireFox3中怎么使用nsIDOMFile。 <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd" > < html xmlns ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang ="en" lang ="en" > < head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> < title > input type=file & Firefox 3 </ title > </ head > < body > < h1 > input type=file & Firefox 3 </ h1 > < script type ="text/javascript" > // <![CDATA[ function inputFileOnChange() { if (document.getElementById( ' my-file ' ).files) { // Support: nsIDOMFile, nsIDOMFileList alert( ' value: ' + document.getElementById( ' my-file ' ).value); alert( ' files.length: ' + document.getElementById( ' my-file ' ).files.length); alert( ' fileName: ' + document.getElementById( ' my-file ' ).files.item( 0 ).fileName); alert( ' fileSize: ' + document.getElementById( ' my-file ' ).files.item( 0 ).fileSize); alert( ' dataurl: ' + document.getElementById( ' my-file ' ).files.item( 0 ).getAsDataURL()); alert( ' data: ' + document.getElementById( ' my-file ' ).files.item( 0 ).getAsBinary()); alert( ' datatext: ' + document.getElementById( ' my-file ' ).files.item( 0 ).getAsText( " utf-8 " )); }; }; // ]]> </ script > < div > < input type ="file" name ="my-file" id ="my-file" onchange ="inputFileOnChange();" /> </ div > </ body > </ html > document.getElementById('my-file').files方法用于获取到用户所选择的文件的集合,一般情况下都是选择单一文件(貌似FireFox这样做是支持多文件选择的,不过没有试过,读者可以自己去尝试),item数组可以得到其中的某一个文件,然后我们就可以使用nsIDOMFile所提供的属性和方法了。它包括2个属性和3个方法:
< html > < head > < title > Untitled Page </ title > < script type ="text/javascript" > function readFile(fileBrowser) { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf( " MSIE " ) !=- 1 ) readFileIE(fileBrowser); else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf( " Firefox " ) !=- 1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf( " Mozilla " ) !=- 1 ) readFileFirefox(fileBrowser); else alert( " Not IE or Firefox (userAgent= " + navigator.userAgent + " ) " ); } function readFileFirefox(fileBrowser) { try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege( " UniversalXPConnect " ); } catch (e) { alert( ' Unable to access local files due to browser security settings. To overcome this, follow these steps: (1) Enter "about:config" in the URL field; (2) Right click and select New->Boolean; (3) Enter "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" (without the quotes) as a new preference name; (4) Click OK and try loading the file again. ' ); return ; } var fileName = fileBrowser.value; var file = Components.classes[ " @mozilla.org/file/local;1 " ] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); try { // Back slashes for windows file.initWithPath( fileName.replace( / \ // g, "\\\\") ); } catch (e) { if (e.result != Components.results.NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH) throw e; alert( " File ' " + fileName + " ' cannot be loaded: relative paths are not allowed. Please provide an absolute path to this file. " ); return ; } if ( file.exists() == false ) { alert( " File ' " + fileName + " ' not found. " ); return ; } alert(file.path); // I test to get the local file's path. var is = Components.classes[ " @mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1 " ].createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream ); try { is.init( file, 0x01 , 00004 , null ); } catch (e) { if (e.result != Components.results.NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED) throw e; alert( " Unable to access local file ' " + fileName + " ' because of file permissions. Make sure the file and/or parent directories are readable. " ); return ; } var sis = Components.classes[ " @mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1 " ].createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream ); sis.init( is ); var data = sis.read( sis.available() ); alert( " Data from file: " + data); // I test to get the local file's data. } function readFileIE(fileBrowser) { var data; try { var fso = new ActiveXObject( " Scripting.FileSystemObject " ); var fileName = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(fileBrowser.value); if ( ! fso.FileExists(fileName)) { alert( " File ' " + fileName + " ' not found. " ); return ; } var file = fso.OpenTextFile(fileName, 1 ); data = file.ReadAll(); alert( " Data from file: " + data); file.Close(); } catch (e) { if (e.number == - 2146827859 ) { // This is what we get if the browser's security settings forbid // the use of the FileSystemObject ActiveX control alert( ' Unable to access local files due to browser security settings. To overcome this, go to Tools->Internet Options->Security->Custom Level. Find the setting for "Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe" and change it to "Enable" or "Prompt" ' ); } else if (e.number == - 2146828218 ) { // This is what we get if the browser can't access the file // because of file permissions alert( " Unable to access local file ' " + fileName + " ' because of file permissions. Make sure the file and/or parent directories are readable. " ); } else throw e; } } </ script > </ head > < body > < form name ="form1" > Browse to select a file < input type ="file" name ="fileBrowser" size ="125" onchange ="readFile(this)" /> </ form > </ body > </ html > 首先我们需要判断用户浏览器的类型来选择执行不同的function,IE中直接调用Scripting.FileSystemObject这个ActiveXObject,不过如果用户的IE没有打开“对未标记为可安全执行脚本的ActiveX控件初始化并执行脚本”的话是不能执行这行代码的,在脚本中给出了提示,告诉用户必须将这个选项打开。